Samples and templates are available for use and/or modification as needed to meet community needs and employer human resource policies and procedures.


Steering Committee Terms of Reference


Terms on which the Steering Committee agrees to function.  To ensure meaningful community member input into programs coordinated and facilitated by the Community & School Recreation Coordinator (CSRC); to provide local management and ownership of community-based sport, culture & recreation programs.

Steering Commitee Meeting Agenda


Sample meeting agenda content for an average Steering Committee Meeting.

CSRC Report to Steering Committee


CSRCs are responsible to provide their Steering Committees with quality information that allows them to provide feedback and input into the programs and services provided.  At a minimum the following information should be compiled and shared at each meeting.

Steering Committee Member Attendance


A checklist to gain a better understanding of the unique contributions members of your Steering Committee can make.

Community Needs Assessment


To be a success a program must be of interest and need to the community. To determine this, the recreation coordinator must know his/her community—who’s in it, what programs and resources exist and what people want. Start by collecting all the information and then review the results to clearly understand the need.

Top 10 Ways to Make Your Steering Committee Work!


The most common issue amongst communities participating in the Northern Community & School Recreation Coordinator Program is the difficulty experienced in developing and sustaining an effective Steering Committee. While there can be barriers that prevent a Steering Committee from working, there are also many examples of Steering Committees that do work and have done some AMAZING things.

Tips for Holding Good Meetings


Best practices and tips for how to host successful and efficient Steering Committee Meetings.

Selecting & Recruiting Steering Committee Members


When first establishing or rejuvenating a local Steering Committee, it may help to review the individual assets of the people and leaders in your community. Consider the following questions to assist you in identifying a community champion from your community’s perspective.

Steering Committee Function Checklist


A self guided checklist for Steering Committees to monitor their effectiveness of fulfilling the roles and responsibilities of the committee.

Steering Committee Direction and Support

A closer look at CSRC roles and how the Steering Committee can provide direction and support so the coordinator to successfully fulfill those roles.