NSCRD, is working in partnership with Cross Country Saskatchewan and Spirit North to provide cross country ski programming. Spirit North (SN) is a national charitable organization dedicated to improving the health and wellness of Indigenous children and youth through providing opportunities for outdoor, land-based sport and recreation opportunities.

SN, in partnership with CCS and NSCRD, are collaborating to develop and deliver a travelling, sport and activity-based program for approximately 8-12 Indigenous communities located in Northern Saskatchewan.

The program is aimed at providing Indigenous children and youth with access to quality sports and land-based programs and engaging and inspiring them toward healthy lifestyles, improved academic performance, community engagement and leadership skills.

The program comprises of two Community Program Leaders, who will develop and deliver in partnership with schools and communities, a travelling program whereby participating communities will receive multiple visits over the course of a school year for school-aged children to participate in and benefit from program delivery.

Programs will be season-appropriate, inclusive, play-based, and focused on progressive skill development through supported games and activities, while building community engagement and capacity.

Please contact:

Luke Hepworth, Spirit North Coordinator
(306)420-7927 Mobile

Kylee Warkentin, Spirit North Coordinator
(306)360-8881 Mobile